
Support Services Policy

Version 1.0, effective 1st July 2024

This document sets forth the policies governing the provision of Indryve Support Services in accordance with a Subscription.

  1. Creating and Managing Support Cases

The Subscriber may open a support case by visiting the Indryve online support portal at New Subscribers are provided instructions on accessing the Indryve support portal and other available support methods. There are no limits on support account authorized users. New users can be added by request from an authorized administrator to

To ensure we can properly address your issue, please ensure that you:

    1. Follow specific guidelines posted on the support portal on how to open support cases.
    2. Correctly classify the issue either as an Incident, Query, or otherwise.
    3. Provide an initial Priority Level for Incidents.
    4. Identify the specific deployment and products affected.
    5. Provide sufficient information with your report so Indryve can replicate or otherwise understand the Incident and respond appropriately.
    6. Respond promptly to outreach from Indryve’s support team to provide any additional information.
    7. Work with stakeholders in your organization to ensure their participation as necessary to reach a satisfactory outcome.
  1. Support Case Types

A Indryve Subscription includes access to a support account, which handles distinctive types of support cases:

An “Incident” represents a failure of one of the specific production or pre-production deployments (if applicable) covered by your subscription. A production deployment is a system that performs, or assists in performing, legally binding transactions and where a failure of a system in production will have an immediate economic impact on the end users and on the organization. A pre-production system is part of a release management system encompassing staging, testing, or QA deployments.

A “Query” provides general technical support for Indryve products and languages. Queries may represent questions about features, usage, functional implementation, or best practices, as may arise during evaluation, development, or migration activities. A Query need not be linked to a specific production or pre-production deployment.

A “Security Report Analysis” involves the analysis of reports generated from security vulnerability scans conducted on specific production or pre-production deployments. Indryve will open an Incident for any confirmed vulnerabilities detected during this analysis process. These Incident cases track the resolution of the vulnerability.

Managed Services subscribers may open “Hosting Incidents” concerning the operation of a system under Indryve Managed Services. A general question concerning Managed Services is captured as a “Hosting Query,” and a request for a deployment or configuration change is captured as a “Hosting Task.”

  1. Service Levels

For each Incident Indryve endeavors to respond to and resolve the case as quickly as possible, within the Target Response Time, Target Workaround Time (if applicable), and Target Resolution Time (if applicable) associated with an Incident’s Priority Level. In the event that a Workaround is not reached for an Incident within the Target Workaround Time, or a resolution is not reached within the Target Resolution Time, taking into account any delays in Subscriber’s provision of necessary information, the Incident will be escalated to the Indryve executive team and an Incident “war team” comprised of Indryve support engineer(s), Indryve executive(s), and Subscriber representative(s) will be convened and a response plan will be established, including technical assessment, mitigation strategy evaluation, resource allocations, and status update frequency. The support team will work continuously under the direction of the war team until a final resolution of the Incident is reached.

Enterprise Support Plan Service Levels
Hours of coverage 24x7x365
Incidents P1 P2 P3
Target Response Time 1 hour 4 hours 6 hours
Target Workaround Time 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours
Target Resolution Time 48 hours 72 hours 1 Business Week
Environment prod + pre-prod prod + pre-prod prod + pre-prod
Support Case Limits no limit no limit no limit
Target Response Time 1 Business Day
Target Resolution Time best efforts
Support Case Limits 100 hours
Security Report Analysis  
Target Response Time 1 hour
Target Completion Time 2 Business Weeks
Support Case Limits no limit
Hosting Incidents P1 P2 P3
Target Response Time 15 minutes 90 minutes 8 hours
Target Workaround Time 4 hours 24 hours 72 hours
Target Resolution Time 48 hours 72 hours 1 Business Week
Status Update Frequency every 4 hours every 8 hours every Business Day
Escalation 8 hours    
Support Case Limits no limit no limit no limit
Hosting Tasks and Queries  
Target Response Time 1 Business Day
Target Completion Time best efforts
Support Case Limits unlimited
Basic Support Plan Service Levels
Hours of coverage Americas: 12×5 (7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. ET M-F)
EMEA: 12×5 (7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. GMT M-F)
ME: 12×5 (7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. GMT S-T)
APAC: 12×5 (7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. IST M-F)
Incidents P1 P2 P3
Target Response Time 4 hours 6 hours 8 hours
Target Workaround Time 48 hours 72 hours 1 Business Week
Environment production only production only production only
Support Case Limits no limit no limit no limit
Target Response Time 1 Business Day
Support Case Limits 25 hours
Security Report Analysis  
Target Response Time 4 hours
Target Completion Time 3 Business Weeks
Support Case Limits no limit
  1. Incident Priority

A Subscriber makes the initial determination of the priority level of Incidents, pursuant to the severity of impact.

If a case is misclassified with respect to priority level or the type of case, the support team, in consultation with the Subscriber, will reclassify the case accordingly

Incident Priority Level Guidelines
Priority Level 1 (P1): Critical
  1. The Subscriber has had a substantial loss of service.
  2. All or a substantial portion of the Subscriber’s mission critical data is at a significant risk of loss or corruption.
  3. The Subscriber’s business operations have been severely disrupted.
  4. The Subscriber is at risk of damage to its reputation.
  5. Failure in a pre-production deployment is blocking a critical release to production.
  6. For Managed Services: The Subscriber cannot access the system.
  7. For Managed Services: A government or legal stop order is placed on Subscriber requiring the service to cease with immediate effect.
Priority Level 2 (P2): High
  1. Operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although the Subscriber’s long-term productivity might be adversely affected.
  2. Internal software error causing the Supported Indryve Product to fail, but restart or recovery is possible.
  3. Severely degraded performance.
Priority Level 3 (P3): Medium
  1. Impaired operations of some components, but allows the user to continue using the software.
  2. Imminent deployment milestones are at risk.
  3. Nominal performance degradation.
  4. Software errors.
  1. Scope

To be in scope for support, an Incident must affect the operation of the specific Supported Indryve Product instances associated with, and within the usage limits defined by, the Subscription.

The scope of a Query encompasses Indryve products applicable to the project. Queries arising from completely different projects are not in scope – distinct projects (different goals, business units, development or operational teams) should have distinct Subscriptions.

Queries are subject to maximum hourly Query Support Limits as specified in the Subscription Order Form. All hours expended by Indryve in reaching a satisfactory resolution are counted towards this limit, except for hours expended by Indryve in developing a fix for a product, connector, migration script, or documentation where the error or omission is so severe that it prevents the products from being used at even a basic level.

Security Report Analysis cases are limited in scope to requests for analysis of security reports specifically relevant to or generated for Subscriber’s deployments of Indryve products. Resolution of vulnerabilities is not within scope; Incidents will be spawned for any confirmed vulnerabilities.

To be in scope for Managed Services support, a Hosting Incident must involve the deployment, upgrading, maintenance, network configuration, starting, stopping, monitoring, availability, or performance of the hosted products within the parameters of the deployment architecture provided to the Managed Services team, and does not include resolution of bugs, feature requests, or product performance limitations. Any Hosting Incidents determined to be product-related rather than operational will be reclassified as Incidents or Queries as appropriate.

Indryve will investigate issues raised relating to custom product extensions. However, resolutions to such issues may be outside Indryve’s direct control. Changes to customized code are at Indryve’s discretion, and we may suspend the SLA for such incidents. A full resolution to an issue in a custom product extension may require a consulting engagement.

A resolution to an Incident may in some cases consist of advice to seek a solution elsewhere – namely when the issue is caused by a hardware failure, third-party software, Indryve products that have been heavily modified outside the many well-documented and supported extension mechanisms, attempts to use the software in an environment or for purposes for which it was not designed or well outside the published specs, issues that are effectively requests for consultancy services, or if no progress can be made without an onsite visit (unless your subscription provides for this feature).

We may suspend the SLA for an incident – or for the entire support account if the issue isn’t addressed promptly – if your Subscription lapses, if we find you are using any Indryve software in production without a subscription (even if the incident doesn’t directly affect the unsupported software), if you have exceeded any limits defined in your Subscription, if you have failed to conform to applicable license terms, if you are using the support system improperly or abusively, or if you are using the software for illegal purposes.

For us to provide good service, we often need your help with the incident: prompt responses to requests for information through our support system, following our advice or instruction on a resolution, or properly installing Updates that are recommended as part of the resolution. On a P1 Incident we expect you to make resources available on a 24×7 basis to assist Indryve’s round- the-clock efforts in resolving the Incident. Our Service Level targets are predicated on your sufficient involvement.

  1. Support Levels

Indryve’s Basic Support Plan and Enterprise Support Plan offers L1-L4 support. OEM Support Plan offers L2-L4 support

Level 1 (L1) Initial case acceptance from the End User, validation of support eligibility, initial response, and case assignment. Collection of basic information about the product usage scenario, deployment environment, and configuration as may be needed to understand the issue thoroughly.
Level 2 (L2) Diagnosis of the issue and verification that the issue is related to the Indryve product. Application of known solutions to the issue, where related to product usage, configuration, deployment, update level, or environment.
Level 3 (L3) Advanced reproduction, analysis and debugging. Provision of a Fix through re-configuring, adjusting the use of the product, or adjusting the deployed environment.
Level 4 (L4) Developing a product update or documentation Fix that resolves the issue.
  1. Updates and Upgrades

Updates are available to Subscribers and other registered users through the Indryve Update services at Updates are cumulative within an update channel – new updates issued by Indryve include or depend upon previous updates made to the affected component. Subscribers are encouraged to stay up to date with all relevant Updates from Indryve. Updates are available to Subscribers and may be used both for development activities and production deployment.

If Indryve determines that an Update is required to remedy an Error in one or more Supported Indryve Product components, which Indryve will determine by acting reasonably and in good faith, Indryve will identify or develop a Fix, build and certify the Fix into an Update and make that Update available through the Indryve Update service. Indryve will provide Fixes it develops to the provider or development community for the software component, who can subsequently decide if the Fix will be committed into the software component’s source code tree.

Subscribers are encouraged to upgrade regularly. Upgrading to a newer minor or major version does not invalidate your Subscription. Please keep Indryve informed of any significant usage changes regarding the products under Subscription – it helps us respond more quickly and effectively to support cases.

Note that Indryve Update services do not apply to Ballerina. A resolution for an incident with the Ballerina compiler or the Ballerina Library may include an early access to a patch release, provided to you through your support account. Subsequently the fix will be made available through a patch release to the open source project and under the open source license terms. Subscribers are also eligible to receive relevant Security bulletins and early access to patch releases addressing potential security vulnerabilities through the same mechanism.

  1. Lifespan and Deprecation

Indryve commits to support each major and minor release of the Supported Indryve Product for a minimum of 3 years from the date of release. After this period Indryve may discontinue Indryve Support Services for a product version at any time.

After Indryve notifies Subscriber of the intention to discontinue support for a product version, Indryve will use commercially reasonable efforts to continue to support the version for at least one year after that announcement.

A complete record of the release and active support dates for each product version is maintained at

  1. Changes to or Discontinuance of Support Services

Indryve reserves the right to modify this Support Services Policy subject to the terms of the Subscription entered into between the Subscriber and Indryve.

  1. Data Retention

This section outlines the Indryve policy regarding the retention of user data.

Retention Period for Support Users’ PII: Indryve will retain the personally identifiable information (PII) of support users, including their names and email addresses, for a period of 90 days from the termination of the contract. After this period, Indryve will delete or securely dispose of the PII to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Retention Period for Support Case Attachments: Indryve will retain attachments related to support cases for a period of 90 days from the resolution or closure of the respective case, or from the termination of the contract, whichever comes later. After this period, Indryve will delete the attachments from its systems.

Retention of Support Portal Data (Excluding Support Cases): Indryve will retain non-support case based data stored in the support portal for a period of 90 days from the termination of the contract. After the retention period, Indryve will delete the above data from its systems.

  1. Questions

Questions or correspondence about this policy can be directed to, or to Indryve, Attn: Support Manager, 3080 Olcott St., Suite C220, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA.

  1. Definitions

Ballerina Library” means the packages published to Ballerina Central under ‘ballerina’ and ‘ballerinax’ organizations

Business Day” means any day, excluding weekends and public holidays, in the United States of America, unless otherwise specified in a Subscription.

Business Week” means five consecutive Business Days.

Combined Product” means each value-added software application program and/or computer hardware product specified in a Subscription that (i) incorporates the Supported Indryve Product and (ii) is developed by Subscriber for commercial distribution to more than one End-User.

Completion Time” means the time elapsed between the acknowledgement of a task and the completion of the task or an ETA of the completion of the task to the reasonable satisfaction of Subscriber, as indicated on the Indryve Support Portal.

Query Support Limit” means the maximum allowed utilization within a Subscription term of the support system for raising Queries, measured in hours expended by Indryve in reaching a resolution.

Documentation” means any current user guides, operating instructions, release notes, update announcements, installation guides, on-line help files regarding the use of the Supported Indryve Product, manuals or other materials that are generally made available with the software by Indryve.

End User” means Subscriber or a third party licensed to use a Combined Product internally and not for distribution.

Error” means either (a) a failure of the Supported Indryve Product to conform to the specifications set forth in the Documentation, resulting in the inability to use, or restriction in the use of, the software, a runtime failure of the systems under Managed Services hosting provided by Indryve, and/or (b) a problem requiring new procedures, clarifications, or additional information. It does not include development of new features.

First Level Support” should your Order Form designate it, offers L1-L4 support (detailed under Support Levels in Section 6 above) on a 24x7x365 basis for the Supported Indryve Product.

Fix” means either a software modification or addition that, when made or added to the Supported Indryve Product, corrects the Error or Incident, or a procedure or routine that, when observed in the regular operation of the software, eliminates the practical adverse effect of the Error on Subscriber or End Users.

Managed Services” is a service in which Indryve can maintain the hosted Supported Indryve Product in accordance with the Service Levels as set out in Section 1.2.

Second Level Support” should your Order Form designate it, offers L2-L4 support (detailed under Support Levels in Section 6 above) on a 24x7x365 basis for Supported Indryve Product used in a Combined Product.

Subscriber” means those individuals and entities that have entered into a Subscription with Indryve for all necessary licenses and the provision of Support Services.

Subscription” means the applicable agreement(s) between Indryve and a Subscriber for the provision of Support Services, including Order Forms.

Support Case” means a Subscriber-initiated request for assistance created via the support portal.

Support Services” means access to Indryve support systems and personnel to be used within the scope and limits as set out in this Support Policy and the Subscription.

Support Policy” means the policies and procedures as set forth herein.

Supported Indryve Product” means the instances of software identified in a Subscription, or upgraded versions thereof, used within the limits proscribed by the Subscription.

Resolution Time” means the time elapsed between the acknowledgement of an Incident and the final resolution or Fix or an ETA of a Fix to the Incident to the reasonable satisfaction of Subscriber, as indicated on the Indryve Support Portal.

Response Time” is defined as the time elapsed between the reporting of an Incident by the Subscriber or Indryve becoming aware of the Incident (whichever is earlier) and a Indryve Technical Support Engineer acknowledging the receipt of such report to Subscriber through the Indryve Support Portal.

Workaround Time” means the time elapsed between the acknowledgement of an Incident and the provision of a Fix or a Workaround for an Incident, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Subscriber.

Target” means a goal Indryve shall endeavor to achieve.

Workaround” is a temporary solution for an Incident preceding a permanent resolution or Fix.

Update” means software components, media, printed materials, and online or electronic documentation that augments the capability or addresses a requirement or deficiency in the Supported Indryve Product. Updates include patches obtained through the Indryve Update service or delivered directly to the Subscriber.

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